International Shipping

We Ship Worldwide! fulfills international orders through trusted company, Simply add any items you wish to purchase in your shopping cart and choose the “international checkout” button. The items in your cart will automatically be transferred to GlobalShopex for international checkout. You may pay with International credit cards, PayPal, MoneyGram, Bank wire transfers, Alipay or other local payment options. GlobalShopex will process your payment and guarantee delivery. Once your order is completed, all inquiries should be directed to: or call: 786-391-4868.

You may also use local numbers:

Australia (Sydney) - (612) 9037 0252

United Kingdom - (020) 3371 9380

Japan (Tokyo) - (3) 4520 9639

Spain (Madrid) - (91) 829 5114

South Africa - (27 10) 500-2487

Canada (Toronto) - (416) 840 5719

France (Paris) - (01) 7666 0593

Mexico (DF) - (55) 8525 3179

Brazil (Sao Paulo) - (11) 3957 0408

Peru (Lima) - (1) 718 0788

Colombia (Bogota) - (1) 508 2859

Chile (Santiago) - (2) 368 0900

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at